Sunday, March 28, 2010

Next Up! Celeriac

Yes it is 6am and I am up playing in the mud. Still -10c this morning but double digit temperatures are forecast for next week.

So next out of the seed bag is something new and unusual to most of us. Celeriac. Yes it is a member of the celery family with a celery like taste. Used boiled, mashed or cut into cubes for stews or soup. Sometimes called knob celery it is a root vegetable. Check out the link on this blog that will give you info on "What To Do With This Stuff".
It is a tad ugly in looks and requires a very long growing season so I may be a bit optimistic but I thought it worth a try as apparently the roots can be stored for a longer period than celery.
The variety is called Brilliant and is seed from Hope Seeds in New Brunswick. So keep your fingers crossed and if you pray to the celery gods, mores the better!

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