Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Are We Growing This Year!

The seeds have arrived with the exception of the potato sets which I will pick up later in the season. It is always exciting to see all the seed packages and to think that each package contains life waiting to burst! The picture shows a few of the new seeds but I have boxes and containers of collected seed on top of the new seed.

So what is going into the bright red Lower Shinimicas mud this season? Drum roll please! Roll out the red carpet and admire this stunning line up for 2010!

Arugula- A peppery green for salads.

Beans- green, Beans- french green, Beans- French yellow (new!)

Bulls Blood Beets- The best purple beet greens ever!

Brocolokoli Brocolokolie

Red Cabbage

Carrots- Scarlet Nantes, Danvers 126, Yaya(new!)

Celery (still learning, have some ideas to improve on last years offering)

Celeriac (new!)

Corn Salad- A salad green

Cucumber (English style)

Eggplant (with luck I might even get blossoms this year!)

Kale- (just for Todd)


Lettuce- Mesculan, Lolla Rosa, Romaine, Butterheads

Melon (maybe, maybe....)

Mizuna- New oriental green!

Nasturtiums- Yummy peppery greens!

Onions (red and white)

Pak Choi (New!)


Peas (snow and green)

Peppers (hot and sweet)

Potatoes( red and white)

Pumpkin(small sugar for pies)



Squash( Buttercup & Butternut)

Swiss Chard

Tatsoi(New oriental green!)

Tomatoes- Brandywine, San Marzino, Early Latah, Tribes Tobique,
Red Pear Tomato (New)

Turnip(Purple Top and standard)


A few herbs- Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Lemon Balm, Tarragon, Mint, Dill

Whew. Someone is going to be very busy this Spring and I have it on authority that he cannot wait to get er done!

So there you have it Ladies and Gentlemen a star studded cast for your munching pleasure. I accept this award on behalf of all the little people who live in my soil and do so much for so much goooood taste!

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