Saturday, April 17, 2010

April Update

Well do not let this current typical mid April weather alarm you. Peppers are popping, broccoli & cabbage are up, onions are shooting for the sky etc etc.

Of course this is all inside stuff. The early fine weather allowed me to begin work on the garden beds and I took the risk of planting some peas, spinach, leaf lettuce and some other cold weather greens. It is the earliest I have ever planted these items so a bit of a risk.

The worse case scenario is that the seeds do not germinate and I have to reseed. The soil temperature a couple of weeks ago was a surprising 50 degrees F so in theory cold weather crops will germinate. If it works we may have some early greens which is worth the risk!

In the mean time I have been hand tilling beds in preparation of the season and picking up supplies like, alfalfa meal, dolomite lime, gypsum, kelp meal so when the outside frenzy hits I am ready to go.

The hoe is sharpened, the rakes are ready and so far all is looking promising for the 2010 season. Once we get over this little cold snap the real growing will begin! Stay tuned

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