Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where Did April Go!

April was a very busy month. The soil dried out much earlier than usual which allowed for earlier than usual planting. In some cases I am almost a month ahead of normal.

Peas, Spinach, Pak Choi, Arugula, Beet Greens, Chard, Leaf Lettuce, Mizuna & Garlic are all up and coming now.

Broccoli, Cabbage, Purple Top Turnips, Onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Romaine Lettuce, Potatoes, Mache & Peppergrass are in the ground.

Seedlings in the house are growing rapidly and some will soon move to the shed.

The recent wet weather has slowed down further garden preparation work until things dry out a bit.

It's a good start. Perhaps the best since we started this project but as Mother Nature gives, she takes away. After all she is a woman and reserves the right to change her mind. Anytime she wants to!

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