Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wow! Where did May go? Just a blur of planting and tilling and mulching and planting and tilling and now...weeding and hoeing and planting and etc etc...

Things are looking pretty good. Carrots are up which is always a challenge. The green peas and the snow peas are climbing. Broccoli and cabbage and kale and kohlrabi are all at the right stage. Bok Choi looks promising. Spinach is on quite well as some of you are getting some now. Lettuce is slower than expected but Leaf and Buttercrunch and Romaine are all coming up. Purple Top Turnips are coming along. Potatoes look very good and are well on their way.

Green and yellow beans are planted. Beets and Radish are up!

Just starting to plant tomatoes and will plant some squash and maybe melon tomorrow. Cucumbers, Zucchini and Pumpkin are in the ground.

Celery is planted and celeriac probably tomorrow.

So all in all everything is looking promising but Mother Nature can change things at any time!

My one downer is the eggplant seedlings are not looking too good. Infested with aphids and just not looking promising.

So far we have had rhubarb, spinach and herbs. Rhubarb has been picked very heavy so will hold back on more for a week or so. Hopefully lettuce & chard will pick up the pace and be ready in a couple of weeks!

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